dijous, 31 de gener del 2013

divendres, 25 de gener del 2013

dimecres, 16 de gener del 2013







dimarts, 15 de gener del 2013



"El que no se ruboriza del mal que hace es un miserable", decía Aristóteles.

"Los corruptos no sienten vergüenza y tampoco la ley les merece respeto", afirma Victoria Camps. "En los casos de corrupcíón política, nadie dimite, nadie se avergüenza de lo que ha hecho, nadie confiesa sus errores ni sus faltas, todo queda remitido a la dinámica procesal que será favorable o no al acusado". El corrupto -en la política, el deporte, las finanzas, la actividad profesional...- intenta ocultarse en el silencio o la mendacidad, esperando que con suerte no quede inculpado. "Así -dice Victoria Camps- son los desvergonzados, actúan impunemente con la esperanza de que su culpa no les será imputada. No sienten vergüenza ninguna porque tampoco la ley les merece ningún respeto".

Lance Armstrong confiesa que se dopó

dimarts, 8 de gener del 2013


...d'amor dins els ulls.
 Cançó del bes sense port
L'aigua roba gessamins
al cor de la nit morena.
Blanca bugada de sal
pels alts terrats de la pena.
Tu i jo i un bes sense port
com una trena negra.

Tu i jo i un bes sense port
en vaixell sense bandera.
El corb, al fons de l'avenç
gavines a l'escullera.
Carbó d'amor dins dels ulls
com una trena negra.

Carbó d'amor dins dels ulls
i el ulls dins de la tristesa.
La tristesa dins la mar,
la mar dins la lluna cega.
I la lluna al grat del vent
com una trena negra.
(Maria Merçè Marçal)

diumenge, 6 de gener del 2013

dimarts, 1 de gener del 2013

-Bon any!


This is no time for Celebration
This is no time for Shaking Hands
This is no time for Backslapping
This is no time for Marching Bands
This is no time for Optimism
This is no time for Endless Thought
This is no time for my country Right or Wrong
Remember what that brought
This is no time for Congratulations
This is no time to Turn Your Back
This is no time for Circumlocution
This is no time for Learned Speech
This is no time to Count Your Blessings
This is no time for Private Gain
This is a time to Put Up or Shut Up
It won't come back this way again
This is no time to Swallow Anger
This is no time to Ignore Hate
This is no time to be Acting Frivolous
because the time is getting late
This is no time for Private Vendettas
This is no time to not know who you are
Self knowledge is a dangerous thing
The freedom of who you are
This is no time to ignore Warnings
This is no time to Clear the Plate
Let's not be sorry after the fact
and let the past become our fate
This is no time to turn away and drink
or some vials of crack
This is a time to gather force
and take dead aim and Attack
This is no time for Celebration
This is no time for Saluting Flags
This is no time for Inner Searchings
The future is at hand
This is no time for Phony Rhetoric
This is no time for Political Speech
This is a time for Action
because the future's Within Reach
This is the time